Fatigue and tiredness are often accompanied by a lack of motivation. There are many medical conditions that can contribute to these conditions, such as lack of sleep, inadequate nutrition, and illnesses such as influenza, obesity, allergies, infections, anemia, alcohol abuse, hypothyroidism, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and AIDS.
How to Recover Quickly from Fatigue
To recover quickly, we can try putting two drops of peppermint oil on a handkerchief, then bring it to our nose and breathe deeply.
It is also useful to use pillows to support the feet at a higher level than the head. In India, yogis combat fatigue by encouraging blood flow to the brain, thus helping to increase alertness.
Eating to Overcome Fatigue
Experts advise eating a good breakfast and several small, healthy meals throughout the day.
It is important to limit the size of our meals to 300 calories. This will keep our blood sugar levels stable and help prevent our energy levels from dropping.
We need to be careful with foods high in refined carbohydrates, i.e., high in sugar or white flour. These foods cause blood sugar levels to rise quickly and then drop just as fast.
We should eat foods richer in fiber and complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains, whole wheat bread and vegetables, as they help stabilize blood sugar.
We should also reduce the consumption of fatty foods. To improve the function of the adrenal glands, which influence the way we metabolize nutrients.
Eating spinach once a day is a good remedy to relieve fatigue, spinach contains potassium and many B vitamins, all of which are important for energy metabolism.
Drinks that Fight Fatigue
It is essential to drink water throughout the day. We should not wait until we are thirsty, even with a little dehydration we can feel fatigued.
Do not drink too much caffeine. Caffeine can give us energy in the short term, but once it wears off, the feeling of tiredness increases.
Limit alcohol consumption. Alcohol depresses the central nervous system. It also lowers our blood sugar levels.
How Exercise Can Help
It is important to practice at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise on a regular basis. Exercise not only helps us lose weight, it also increases our energy levels. People who exercise regularly also tend to sleep better.
Practice yoga or tai chi. These forms of exercise allow us to be physically active and also include relaxation components that can be revitalizing.
Nutritional supplements
Krill oil can be a great help to increase our energy.. NKW KRILLOMEGA, by NATPHARMA.COM
is a superior quality product that comes from a single species, the Euphausia superba, better known as krill, a small crustacean found in the cold and clean waters of the Antarctic Ocean.
Krill has an important nutritional value as it contains more than 60% of proteins with 45% of essential amino acids and 20% of omega-3 fatty acids, besides being a rich source of phosphorus, Vitamins A, B and D and trace elements such as Selenium.