We know that sleep does not provide calories, but it affects our hormones; the amounts of food we eat, and the foods we choose to eat. The decisions we make every day have an impact on the activity of these substances. If their activity is altered, problems may arise that could lead to obesity and cellular aging.
Sleep for weight loss
Stress causes metabolic stress and it comes in many forms, for example when we eat too little, when we do not eat enough healthy foods, with sleep deprivation, etc. Whenever our body is under the effects of stress, we secrete cortisol. Cortisol causes cravings for foods rich in fat, sugar and salt. Lack of sleep could be the reason why we feel we cannot control our cravings.
Lack of sleep affects fat loss
Sleep deprivation has the same effects on the body as excessive exercise. Both make us resistant to leptin (leptin is the hormone secreted by fat cells that tells our brain that we already have enough fat in the body).
Our body literally cannot hear the signals from the fat cells saying: Stop eating! and the stomach keeps sending the signal “I’m hungry” even after we have eaten enough
Sleep deprivation (as well as long-term heart disease) causes human growth hormone (HGH). which is responsible for building muscle and burning fat (only when combined with testosterone), to decrease. This means that lack of sleep hinders our body’s ability to build muscle and burn fat effectively.
Lack of sleep is also linked to memory loss, as the brain “relives” the day and helps store events. If we do not get enough sleep, the brain is not able to make these connections, and memories are lost.
How to sleep better
Here are some of the things to consider if we have trouble falling asleep at night:
Time of last meal – If we eat dinner many hours before bedtime, we may need to change mealtimes.
Use of blue light emitting devices – TV, computer, phones. They all disrupt the circadian rhythm.
To fall asleep naturally, the body reduces cortisol and increases melatonin. Blue light disrupts this rhythm and cortisol becomes stronger during the night, making it harder to fall asleep. This can also make it harder to wake up the next day, as the body raises cortisol to help us do so.
Natural weight loss
There are supplements composed only of natural ingredients that can help us lose weight. One of the most recommended isULTRASLIMMAX, for sale in the online store NATPHARMA.COM.
Bioavailable botanical extracts can act as an excellent fat burner, appetite suppressant and satiating. It contains dry extract of caralluma fimbriata, a plant native to India, this plant can reduce caloric intake, is an appetite suppressant and can also reduce intra-abdominal fat deposits.
Another of its components is garcinia cambogia, a plant that is also native to India, the pulp of the fruit and its bark, which contain different active ingredients such as hydroxycitric acid and anthocyanosides reduce the conversion of carbohydrates into fats favoring, therefore, that no unnecessary fat accumulates in the body and also accelerates the burning of excess fat in the liver.
On the other hand, green tea has stimulating and protective properties of the liver, it is a powerful antioxidant and helps to reduce cholesterol.
L-carnitine can help the combustion of fats, mobilizing and transporting fat deposits to obtain energy.